Reading Novel

There was a rush in our house in a gloomy evening at dusk. That rush was because of my mother's considering everything to be perfect while she was getting ready for visiting our family friends while beginning a journey. While a journey was flying like a buttferfly for my father, it was needing to review the kids, the house, our cows, the vineyards and orchards, all properties for my mother. My mother was as if she was unable to go on the journey if my father wasn't hurrying up with starting the car.

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Brice Marden at the Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum Gegenwart in Berlin

The retrospective exhbition of Brice Marden expose until October 07, 2007 in Berlin. This exhibiton organized by the Museum of Modern Art - Newyork in cooperation with the National Galerie in Berlin. Made possible by the Verein der Freunde der National Galerie and supported by Deutsche Bank A.G.

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Art notes from Berlin

On a flight to Berlin a Turkish women and her daughter were sitting next to me and I noticed the little girl had tears in her eyes. When I asked why she was crying the mother said it was because she didn’t want to leave Turkey. They were both wringing their hands in sadness. After a while, the mother asked me why I was going to Berlin. “It’s like a prison“, she said, “you won’t see many people on the streets; you’ll get bored." I couldn’t find the right words to explain to her what I was going to be doing in Berlin, and sufficed with telling her I wouldn’t be staying long.

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Notting Hill

I saw a film in 1999, while I was travelling in Istanbul. The name of the film was” Notting Hıll”. Two famous Filmstar starred in this Film. Julia Roberts and Hughy Grant.

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Emigrate to a new life

Emigretion to the other countries has both advantages and disadvanstages. Nowadays many people want to move to a new country in search of a new life. Some people are unhappy and don’t earn enough Money lo lead their life in their country. They expect a new life and more freedom. Sometimes they have to move because of health conditions and social problems.

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An old man and his donkey

My mother used to tell us many tales during our childhood. One of them was about “the old man and his donkey.” I tell my niece this tales for remembering my mother. She likes it very much too.

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Two hours on the way

My mother used to tell us many tales during our childhood. One of them was about “the old man and his donkey.” I tell my niece this tales for remembering my mother. She likes it very much too.

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Travel to Florence on December 1998

My Sister and I came to Florance from Venice by train. We didn’t know , where we would stay in Florance. Because, we didn’t book a room in a hotel. We were in Florance for the first time. It was 7.30 pm, we went to the information Office at the trainstation. We told an officer that we wanted to book a room in a hotel. The officer showed us a price list of some hotels. They were very expensive. We could book a double room at the first star hotel. We paid 180.000.Liret. He gave us a hotel voucher.

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